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The Keys to the Kingdom

The Keys to the Kingdom is a method for determining whether or not you are on track to winning or retaining a large contract.


Unlock your business development potential with these powerful scorecards. They are designed to refine your strategy and foundations, pre-qualify opportunities, and predict competition outcomes. Take these assessments to gain actionable insights and stay ahead of the competition.


Are You Ready To Win More Contracts?
This evaluates your business development strategy and foundations, providing insights to strengthen growth, competitiveness, and long-term success.

To Bid or Not to Bid

Prequalify an Opportunity
This will help you prequalify opportunities by assessing the key criteria that ensure the opportunity aligns with your organisation’s goals and resources.

The Incumbent

Do you hold enough keys to retain a contract?
This scorecard provides you, the incumbent, with an assessment as to the likelihood of your retaining an existing contract.

The Challenger

Do you hold the keys to winning a contract?
This will provide you, the challenger, with a view as to whether you have the keys to winning a particular contract.

Dara Lawlor

Developing clear approaches to the complex issues

I’m Dara Lawlor. I’m a business consultant and executive coach. I help early-stage and established SMEs with turnovers in excess of €2 million to build healthy businesses through winning, retaining and growing large contracts. My work with leaders of SMEs involves resourcing them so that they can step away from tactical operations in order to focus on the strategic work of growing the business.  This involves developing them and their teams so that they can build solid foundations in order to make clear and powerful offers to the market that leads to a vibrant and growing business.

SMEs are the real engine of the economy and the key to a nation’s vitality. They can spring from a garage, the mind of a returning emigrant or indeed that of a newly arrived immigrant. They provide a path, build careers, feed families and develop their surrounding communities.

If they are adequately resourced and supported, their leaders will be able to build the confident, nimble and resilient organisations that our nations will need as we navigate the choppier waters ahead.

I’m a keen sportsman, and the lessons I’ve learned from participating in numerous triathlons inform my approach to supporting my clients so that they are fit to win.

Dara Lawlor
Dara Lawlor

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