Orbitar means ‘to orbit’ in the Catalan, Galician and Portuguese languages. It’s appropriate as the coach’s role is to facilitate on the outside as the client is at the centre doing the real work.

1. Outcome
At the start of a programme or individual session we look at what the goal or ideal outcome is.
2. Reality
We then examine what is going on at the moment.
3. Build
We examine how well they are resourced to address the issue and what action they can take to build their foundations.
4. Tune
We then calibrate the options and pick the most appropriate one for the situation.
5. Action
The client goes off and works their way through the issue according to the options discussed.
6. Review
In the next session we review what happened. We discuss what worked, what didn’t, and what the learnings and next steps are.
The build and tune phases are particularly important for me. My triathlon pursuits are founded on developing strong aerobic fitness – building the engine – before fine tuning my training for particular races. Can you imagine racing without building the fitness required for that particular event? Most managers are engaged in a constant cycle of “doing” without taking stock and working out whether they are adequate prepared for what they are attempting to do.
Want to know more?
If you are interested in finding out more about our business coaching programmes you can read the following article which details the process from start to finish. You can also click on the link below to arrange a chat.